Henry F. Schreiner Position Computational Physicist/Research Software Engineer Role Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP) Office Phone 609-258-8141 Email [email protected] Office 347 Lewis Library Bio/Description Background: B.S. in Physics, Ph.D. in High Energy Physics from the University of Texas at Austin.Prior to coming to Princeton, Henry worked on computational cosmic-ray tomography for archeological applications at the University of Texas. As a postdoc at the University of Cincinnati, he worked on high performance GPU model fitting, real-time trigger improvements, and developer training for the LHCb experiment. Now he specializes in the interface between high-performance compiled codes and interactive computation in Python, in software distribution, and in interface design. He is an admin of Scikit-HEP, and has a blog at iscinumpy.gitlab.io.