Jonathan Gorard Position Research Software Engineer II Role Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Office Phone (609) 258-4845 Email [email protected] Bio/Description Background: MPhil In Scientific Computing (University of Cambridge) Jonathan joined the RSE group at Princeton in February 2024, where he works as part of the Gkeyll team, led by Ammar Hakim, in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). He has a particular focus on developing out Gkeyll’s numerical general relativity functionality, adaptive mesh refinement infrastructure, and its meshing capabilities for complex geometries in arbitrary curvilinear coordinate systems. Prior to joining Princeton, Jonathan was a graduate student at the University of Cambridge, and held various positions (including as a research fellow and director of research) at Cardiff University, Wolfram Research and the Wolfram Institute. His background is in applied mathematics, with particular research interests in numerical relativity and applied category theory.