  • Sep 8, 2021, 4:00 pm6:30 pm
  • Sep 9, 2021, 4:00 pm6:30 pm
Remote Workshop on Zoom



Event Description

This heavily hands-on workshop introduces participants to the Linux filesystem and the Linux command line, specifically the bash shell. It will demonstrate how to navigate the filesystem, how to manage files and folders, how to work with files using some common Linux text utilities, and how to run programs, and how to accomplish more complex tasks using streams and pipelines.  It will also touch on additional filesystem concepts such as links, file permissions, environment variables, and startup files. While the emphasis is on Linux, much of the workshop material translates to macOS or other Unix systems (exceptions will be noted).

The workshop meets two times (2.5 hours per session, five hours total -- participants should commit to attending both sessions). 

Workshop format: Interactive Zoom presentation with hands-on exercises.

Target audience: This workshop is suitable both for people with no prior knowledge of computer programming or of Linux/Unix and for participants with prior exposure who have been “going through the motions” and would like a better understanding of what they’re doing. People with extensive experience will likely find the workshop too elementary, though even this group may still find worthwhile nuggets of new information.

Knowledge prerequisites: Though not strictly required, registrants will get more out of the workshop if they read some specific tutorials at  *before* the workshop (~1-2 hrs of reading).  Specifically, participants should read through tutorials 1-5, 7-9, and 11 found on that page. 

Hardware/software prerequisites: Participants in any PICSciE virtual workshop need a Princeton Zoom account. For this workshop, users must also have an account on our Adroit cluster, and they should confirm that they can SSH into Adroit *at least 48 hours beforehand*. Details on all of the above can be found in this guide. THERE WILL BE LITTLE TO NO TROUBLESHOOTING DURING THE WORKSHOP!