Hackathon Prep Day: June 1, 2020 

Main Event: June 8 - 10, 2020

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) offer high performance and massive parallelization, but learning how to program GPUs for scientific applications can be daunting. This multi-day GPU hackathon hosted by Princeton Research Computing and sponsored by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and NVIDIA aims to reduce the barrier to entry. Participants will work alongside experienced mentors from industry and from various national laboratories to migrate their code to GPUs and/or optimize codes already running on GPUs.

The 2020 Princeton hackathon consists of nine participating teams of 3-6 developers each, covering a range of disciplines.  Access to computing clusters will be provided for the duration of the hackathon.

Given the impact of COVID-19 and restrictions imposed on the State of New Jersey, this year's event will be held remotely.

We look forward to (virtually) seeing you at Princeton!


The hackathon will take place over Zoom, supported by additional technologies such as Slack.



This virtual GPU hackathon will begin with a single preparation day the week before the main coding event, on Monday June 1st.  This "Prep Day" will consist of introductions, familiarizing everyone with the virtual tools we will use to conduct the event, and handling of preliminary work such as verifying everyone's access to the event's compute systems, installation/compilation of any needed code and/or libraries, preliminary profiling of the code teams will try to accelerate at the hackathon, etc.

The main three-day coding event will follow from Monday June 8th through Wednesday June 10th. As with previous in-person hackathons, these coding days will open with daily scrums and continue with dedicated coding work between the teams and their mentors. Teams will make final presentations on their progress at the end of the last coding day.

The event will run 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT each day of the event (including the prep day).  More details about logistics will follow in a pre-event email sent to all participants.


Additional logistics

The links in the menu on the left provide more specific info about event logistics. Please revisit this page often for updates, both before and during the hackathon.



Organized by Princeton Research Computing, a consortium of campus groups dedicated to providing computing resources including Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE) and Office of Information Technology (OIT) Research Computing.
Questions? Email Gabe Perez-Giz  [email protected] .