Workshop Date  Time Instructor(s)
Options for Processing Big Data for the Social Sciences and Humanities (see Media Central recording) 2/13 4:30-6:00PM Jonathan Halverson
Introduction to the Linux Command Line (Parts 1 & 2) [online material] 2/14, 2/16 4:30-6:00PM Galen Collier
Introduction to Data Anaylsis using R (download files) 2/15 10AM-12PM Oscar Torres-Reyna
Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Spark (webpage) 2/15 4:30-6:00PM Jonathan Halverson
How Does ChatGPT Work? An Overview of Large Language Models (video 1, video 2, video 3) 2/20 4:30-6:00PM Ameet Deshpande and Alexander Wettig
Command-Line Power Tools (GitHub repo) 2/20 1:30-3:00PM Axel Haenssen
Getting Started with the Research Computing Clusters (guide) 2/21 4:30-6:00PM Anvitha Sudhakar
Introduction to Data Anaylsis using Python (download files) 2/22 10AM-12PM Oscar Torres-Reyna
Removing the Tedium from Your Research Workflow (GitHub repo) 2/23 4:30-6:00PM Jonathan Halverson
Let's Collaborate! Software Development using the GitHub Web Interface (GitHub repo) 2/28 4:30-6:00PM Kilian Lieret
High-Performance Python for CPUs [GitHub repo] 3/1 4:30-6:00PM Henry Schreiner
Machine Learning and Pizza [slides] 3/2 12:00-1:00PM PICSciE Staff
N-Ways to GPU Programming (Parts 1 & 2) [Zoom] [Slides] [Materials] 3/9, 3/10 1:00-5:00PM NVIDIA
Continuous Integration and Automated Software Testing [slides] 3/10 10:30AM-12PM David Luet
Fundamentals of Deep Learning with Multi-GPUs (Parts 1 & 2) 3/15, 3/16 1:00-5:00PM Srivathsan Koundinyan, NVIDIA
Kokkos: A Parallel, Portable Programming Model for CPUs and GPUs [GitHub] 3/20 4:30-6:00PM Rohit Kakodkar
Scientific Visualization with VisIt [materials] 3/21 2:00-3:30PM Eliot Feibush
Introduction to Programming Using Python (Parts 1, 2 & 3) [materials] 3/21, 3/22, 3/23 4:30-6:00PM Matthew Cahn
High-Performance Python for GPUs [GitHub] 3/22 4:30-6:00PM Henry Schreiner
Getting Started with Machine Learning in Python [materials] 3/24 4:30-6:00PM Christina Peters, UDel
Graph Neural Networks for Your Research [materials] 3/27 4:30-6:00PM Gage DeZoort
Intro to Numerical Computing in Python with NumPy [GitHub] 3/28 4:30-6:00PM Vineet Bansal
A Tour of PyTorch 2.0 [Zoom video][materials] 3/30 3:30-5:00 PM Shashank Prasanna, Meta
Microsoft Azure Cloud Training [materials] 4/4 9AM-12PM Jasmine Greenaway, Microsoft
spaCy: A Python Library for Natural Language Processing [video] [slides] 4/4 4:30-6:00PM Victoria Slocum, Explosion
Data Visualization in Python [GitHub] 4/6 4:30-6:00PM Michal Grzadkowski
Managing Research Data [PDF] 5/4


Halle Burns and Sarah Reiff Conell
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Workshops on QGIS and ArcGIS Pro 2/6-3/8   William Guthe & Wangyal Shawa


Spring 2023 Workshops