Workshop Date Materials and Resources Big Data, Easy Access: Exploring Princeton's Clusters for the Social Sciences and Humanities 2/12/2024 See previous recording on Media Central and this guide Introduction to the Linux Command Line (Parts 1 & 2) 2/13 & 2/14/2024 Zoom (Part 1, Part 2) and external guide Introduction to Data Analysis Using R 2/14/2024 datasets Command-Line Power Tools 2/15/2024 See handout, files and external guide From Console to Clusters: Mastering Slurm, Data Strategies, and High-Performance Computing at Princeton (Parts 1 & 2) 2/19 & 2/20/2024 See online guide Introduction to Data Analysis Using Python 2/21/2024 Launch in Jupyterlite Removing the Tedium from Your Research Workflow 2/21/2024 GitHub repo Introduction to Programming Using Python (Parts 1, 2 & 3) 2/22, 2/26, 2/27/2024 Launch in Jupyterlite GPU User Group Kickoff Meeting 2/23/2024 Join listserv Introduction to GPU Computing 2/26/2024 GitHub repo and video recording Working with Restricted Datasets at Princeton: Secure Research with Citadel 2/27/2024 Slides (PDF) Kokkos: A Parallel, Portable Programming Model for CPUs and GPUs 2/27/2024 GitHub repo Getting Started with Machine Learning in Python 2/28/2024 GitHub repo Python Code Cleanup: Tackle These 10 Common Issues 3/5/2024 GitHub repo Getting Started with Deep Learning Using PyTorch 3/6/2024 GitHub repo Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with Hugging Face 3/7/2024 Slides and Notebook A.I. Tools for Your Research with Google Cloud Platform 3/11/2024 Introduction to Accelerated Genomic Analysis 3/12/2024 Slides and video recording High-Performance Python for GPUs 3/19/2024 GitHub repo Data Visualization in Python 3/21/2024 GitHub repo Welcome to the Neural Network Zoo: A Survey of Architectures for Your Research 3/25/2024 GitHub repo How to Compile and Install Open-Source Software Yourself 3/26/2024 Tutorial Visualization with VisIt 4/5/2024 Materials