Off-campusTo connect via SSH from off-campus you must do one of the following:setup a VPN connection, and then connect to the cluster directly. We recommend installing the GlobalProtect VPN client on your workstation or laptop. A VPN is also needed to use MyAdroit, MyDella or MyStellar. Make sure that you are using a Princeton University VPN and not the VPN of another institution.ssh to <YourNetID> and then ssh to the cluster. A VPN connection is not required for this approach. You must have an account on one of the large clusters (Della, Stellar, Tiger, Traverse) to do this.If you don't do one of the above then you may see an error message like Connection closed by remote host or Operation timed out. If you see Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive) it means that you don't have an account (see this page).If you are connecting via VPN then make sure that you are using a Princeton VPN and not one for another institution.Visit to see your IP address and for troubleshooting tips. On-campusTo SSH to one of the Research Computing clusters you must either be on the campus wired network or connected to the eduroam wireless network. You cannot log in to any of the clusters while connected via the puvisitor wireless network, servicenet or a network specific to your research group.If you are using eduroam, make sure that you are using your Princeton credentials and not those for another institution.Visit to see your IP address and for troubleshooting tips.