Make using pre-installed software packages and libraries easy Environment modules make using pre-installed software packages and libraries easy by setting the appropriate environment variables. You can use environment modules by running the module command.Available ModulesTo see all available modules, run module avail:$ module avail ---------- /usr/local/share/Modules/modulefiles ----------------- boost/1.55.0 boost/openmpi-1.10.2/1.55.0 cudann/cuda-8.0/5.0 cudann/cuda-8.0/5.1 cudatoolkit/10.0 ... -------------- /opt/share/Modules/modulefiles -------------- intel/16.0/64/ intel/17.0/64/ intel/18.0/64/ ... One can also list specific modules:$ module avail anaconda3 --------- /usr/licensed/Modules/modulefiles ---------- anaconda3/2018.12 anaconda3/2020.7 anaconda3/2022.5 anaconda3/2019.3 anaconda3/2020.11 anaconda3/2022.10 anaconda3/2019.10 anaconda3/2021.5 anaconda3/2023.3 anaconda3/2020.2 anaconda3/2021.11 anaconda3/2023.9 Loading ModulesThe environment modules that you load define part of your software environment which plays a role in determining the results of your code. For numerous reasons including scientific reproducibility, when loading an environment module you must specify the full name of the module. This can be done using module load, for example:$ module load intel/19.0/64/ openmpi/intel-17.0/3.1.3/64Or equivalently:$ module load intel/19.0/64/$ module load openmpi/intel-17.0/3.1.3/64On some clusters you will encounter an error if you fail to specify the full name of the module:$ module load anaconda3 ERROR: No default version defined for 'anaconda3' $ module load anaconda3/2023.9 $ python --version 3.11.5 To see which specific modules are loaded, run module list:$ module listCurrently Loaded Modulefiles:1) openmpi/intel-17.0/3.1.3/642) intel-mkl/2019.3/3/643) intel/19.0/64/ anaconda3/2023.9Note that the module list command shows four modules while only three were explicitly loaded. In this case the intel module loads the intel-mkl module.Since the the openmpi module has been loaded (as shown in module list above), you can run Open MPI commands. For example:$ which mpicc/usr/local/openmpi/3.1.3/intel170/x86_64/bin/mpiccAnd a code could now be built with:$ mpicc -o program program.cDo not put the module load modulename/version command in your shell's startup script (e.g., ~/.bashrc) as it can lead to conflicts and difficult-to-diagnose problems. Instead, load modules directly in your Slurm scripts.Module AliasesIf you would rather use short aliases instead of full module names then create a ~/.modulerc file as follows:cat ~/.modulerc #%Modulerc module-alias anaconda3 anaconda3/2023.9 module-alias myintel intel/ can then do:$ module load anaconda3 myintelWhat exactly does loading a module do?To see exactly which environment variables the module modifies, run module show modulename/version. For instance:$ module show gsl/2.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- /usr/local/share/Modules/modulefiles/gsl/2.6: module-whatis Sets up gsl26 2.6 in your environment setenv GSL_ROOT_DIR /usr/local/gsl/2.6/x86_64 prepend-path PATH /usr/local/gsl/2.6/x86_64/bin prepend-path CPATH /usr/local/gsl/2.6/x86_64/include prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/gsl/2.6/x86_64/lib64 prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/gsl/2.6/x86_64/lib64 prepend-path MANPATH /usr/local/gsl/2.6/x86_64/share/man append-path -d LOCAL_CFLAGS -I/usr/local/gsl/2.6/x86_64/include prepend-path PKG_CONFIG_PATH /usr/local/gsl/2.6/x86_64/lib64/pkgconfig ------------------------------------------------------------------- The output makes clear the path to the include files and libraries. This is useful for editing Makefiles.Purging and Unloading ModulesTo clear all modules use the following command:$ module purgeThe command above is often used in Slurm scripts to ensure that the environment is clean before setting the environment for the particular job.To unload a module, use module unload. For example:$ module unload anaconda3/2023.9Create Your Own ModuleYou can create your own custom environment modules which will behave the same as the system modules.Module HelpRun the following command to see all the options:$ module help Modules Release 3.2.10 2012-12-21 (Copyright GNU GPL v2 1991): Usage: module [ switches ] [ subcommand ] [subcommand-args ] Switches: -H|--help this usage info -V|--version modules version & configuration options -f|--force force active dependency resolution -t|--terse terse format avail and list format -l|--long long format avail and list format -h|--human readable format avail and list format -v|--verbose enable verbose messages -s|--silent disable verbose messages -c|--create create caches for avail and apropos -i|--icase case insensitive -u|--userlvl set user level to (nov[ice],exp[ert],adv[anced]) Available SubCommands and Args: + add|load modulefile [modulefile ...] + rm|unload modulefile [modulefile ...] + switch|swap [modulefile1] modulefile2 + display|show modulefile [modulefile ...] + avail [modulefile [modulefile ...]] + use [-a|--append] dir [dir ...] + unuse dir [dir ...] + update + refresh + purge + list + clear + help [modulefile [modulefile ...]] + whatis [modulefile [modulefile ...]] + apropos|keyword string + initadd modulefile [modulefile ...] + initprepend modulefile [modulefile ...] + initrm modulefile [modulefile ...] + initswitch modulefile1 modulefile2 + initlist + initclear